
How can No Wrong Door help me?

No Wrong Door supports older adults, caregivers, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and families. Linked by a secure online system, our statewide network allows you to share your information safely, in order to quickly and easily connect to the services you need. Of course, none of your information is shared without your permission.

How does NWD benefit me?

  • Saves time
    • Tell your story just once and it can be, with your consent, shared with the providers you need without having to tell your story over and over.
  • Faster access to services
    • With No Wrong Door, the focus remains on you – not the paperwork – helping you connect to the services and supports you need faster.
  • More options
    • With more than 27,000 services and supports, No Wrong Door provides information and services to meet the specific needs of individuals, caregivers, or loved ones.

Who is in the No Wrong Door network?

Who is in the No Wrong Door network?Providers of long-term services and supports are welcome to join the No Wrong Door network and actively participate in the NWD system. Providers include:

  • Area Agencies on Aging
  • Centers for Independent Living
  • Community Services Board
  • Local Departments of Social Services
  • Home Health
  • Home Care
  • Home Repair
  • Transportation
  • Housing Organizations
  • Meals Programs
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing Homes
  • Transition Services
  • Preventative Health Care


Click here to find the No Wrong Door partners in your area.

Person-Centered Practices

We understand people who utilize our system know more about their situation than we do. This is why we built No Wrong Door on the principle of person-centered practices, which empowers individuals to make informed choices for their care. This outlook ensures individuals, caregivers, and providers are connected with services that meet those important concerns, as well as their health and safety needs.

To learn more about person-centered practices, click here.

How is my information protected?

How is my information protected? NWD complies with federal and state confidentiality laws and regulations. Your information is shared in the system only after you provide consent. It is also your choice to decide if you wish for your information to be shared between NWD providers. All data is protected by technology safeguards and partner agreements in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

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