
No Wrong Door's Mission

United Way image of individualsVirginia will provide its older adults, individuals with disabilities, and veterans a high-quality, person-centered, integrated and sustainable No Wrong Door system of long-term services and supports.

No Wrong Door will help individuals of all ages and abilities achieve their unique goals for community living, streamline access to supports, and promote efficiencies.


No Wrong Door's comprehensive governance structure ensures decisions made about policy, technology development, and resource allocation align with its strategy, equally benefitting all partner agencies.

Click here to learn more about No Wrong Door's leadership structure and stakeholder engagement.

The No Wrong Door Strategic Leadership Team provides guidance and support to the Resource Advisory Council and is comprised of members from:

  • Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
  • Virginia Department for the Blind and Visually Impaired
  • Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services
  • Virginia Department of Health
  • Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services  
  • Virginia Hospital and Healthcare Association
  • Virginia Housing Development Authority
  • VirginiaNavigator

No Wrong Door’s Resource Advisory Council (RAC) is comprised of dozens of professionals from health and human services, as well as providers of public and private long-term services and supports across Virginia.

Within the RAC, there is one implementation team, Home and Community Based Services, which works to ensure decisions made about policy, technology development, and resource allocation are based on a shared vision and equally benefit the public and private sectors of the Commonwealth.  The NWD RAC focuses on the strategic initiatives of communication and marketing; person-centered practices; streamlined access; and governance and administration.  

The Information Technology Application Governance Board manages major system changes through communication, prioritization of major enhancements, and minimizing risk.

The Advocacy Group has membership from stakeholder organizations across the Commonwealth. No Wrong Door provides periodic updates and solicits feedback. If your organization would like to join the Advocacy Group, send a request to

Local Advisory Councils are like a microcosm of the RAC; comprised of health professionals and long-term services and support providers, they provide governance, assist with funding and expansion plans, and use No Wrong Door to track social determinants of health to help drive better outcomes.

At the federal level, No Wrong Door partners with the Administration for Community Living, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the Veterans Health Administration.

These partners provide valuable guidance, technical support, and discretionary grant funding, but No Wrong Door remains a Virginia initiative, sharing some similarities with programs from other states.

With its history of partnerships, bipartisan support, and investment from both public and private partners, Virginia’s No Wrong Door initiative is a national leader and model for other states.

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Administration / Management

No Wrong Door remains faithful to its partnership between the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) and VirginiaNavigator.

The DARS icon linkVirginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) manages state and federal funding as well as contracts with partners and vendors, provides training and technical support, liaises with federal partners and Local Advisory Councils, and provides operational support. DARS staff are also part of the Strategic Leadership Team, the Resource Advisory Council, and the IT Application Governance Board.

Virginia Navigator iconVirginiaNavigator runs state-level aggregate reports for planning and resource development, maintains the statewide resource directory with 27,000+ federal, state, and local resources, provides daily operational and administrative support, and assists with NWD marketing. VirginiaNavigator staff are part of the Strategic Leadership Team, Resource Advisory Council, and IT Application Governance Board.

Click here to read more about these two No Wrong Door leads.

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